Today we visited Fountains Abbey, which is a few minutes outside the town Ripon (short i), itself only an hour from York–a perfect day trip! I have to say, while I gushed and raved about Durham and Lindisfarne (don't get me wrong, they were amazing too!), Fountains Abbey is my favorite excursion so far. First, the weather was gorgeous. Fifty degrees and a slight breeze! Though I have to say that it might not have been so pleasant had it been raining. I feel like I've been spoiled by nice weather for our excursions.
Now, I've learned all about the Romantics in Art History and my Literature classes and how they revere the sublime and the picturesque, and I was like, "Yeah, ok. Get a hobby." But now, I totally get it! There's something about walking through the archways and columned passages of a ruin that you can't find anywhere else. I find myself wondering what it really looked like during its prime (It was built in the 12th Century). Were the floors as uneven? Were the walls stone like they are now? It's like I'm visiting the shadow of something really grand, something with so much history, most of which died along with its residents.
Fountains Abbey is now part of Studley Royal Estate, so the grounds are spectacular. Since we had three hours at the abbey, I took a sack lunch and then strolled along the paths to the water gardens. Sometimes I walked with other people in the group, but I mostly just explored by myself. Call me ridiculous, but I even listened to the soundtrack of The Piano while I was walking (It was a success, let me tell you. There's nothing better than having background music to your life). I felt like I could have been wearing a Regency-style dress and bonnet! Ok, I know I'm gushing now, but this was an amazing place to visit. Around every corner there was some new and breathtaking sight. I would *coughcough* definitely suggest it as a potential daytrip to anyone *coughcough* planning on visiting England in the near future…